How to Maintain Your Sump Pump

Here in Southern Maryland we get pretty consistent amounts of precipitation all year long. Take Germantown, for example. May (as you might expect) has the highest average monthly rainfall at 4.44 inches. The lowest of the year?  February, with 2.81 inches.

That’s the good news. But with average monthly precipitation exceeding 3”, what happens when it falls all at once and you already have wet basement problems? All of sudden, it’s going to feel like you live in Seattle vs. Maryland.

That’s why Your 1 Plumber urges all sump owners to perform a little preventative maintenance on your sump pump to help ensure it’s ready and able if and when water infiltrates your basement. Every now and then, this is all it takes:

  • Clean the pump inlet screen.
  • Check your power cord to ensure the pump is receiving power.
  • Dump a bucket of water into the sump pit; that will raise the float enough to activate a well-functioning pump.

If you encounter or even suspect a performance problem, no matter how minor it might appear to be, contact Your 1 Plumber right away so we can examine it for you and make whatever recommendation we deem appropriate to ensure the consistent and reliable performance of your sump pump.

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