How to Burglar-Proof Your Home.

blogEverybody think their home is special, and “everybody” includes seasoned burglars out to relieve you of cherished items, cash, and anything else of value they can get their hands on.

They’re pretty good at it, too, especially when you consider that 1 of every 36 US homes will be broken into and burglarized this year, as reported by the FBI.  That will result in a $2,230 loss per break-in, and a total annual property loss of $4.7 billion.

With statistics like that, it makes perfectly good sense to do everything you can to make your home less inviting to the criminal element, and here are several ways how:

Window and Door Sensors – If a whole-house, professionally installed security system is just not in the budget right now, you can still get some peace of mind with a personal security system that comes with window and door sensors. Once triggered, they emit an ear-piercing alarm that would scare off anyone who doesn’t belong on your premises.

Wi-Fi Camera – You can monitor any space in your home with one or more Wi-Fi cameras and check in periodically via smartphone or tablet app. You also can choose to receive email notifications if and when a camera detects movement. Plus, with night vision capability, you’ll have a clear picture of what’s going on day or night.

Door Stop Alarm – Not all burglars break windows. Some prefer to use the front door or whatever other entry way they deem to be the path of least resistance. Well, you can stop them in their tracks with a door stop alarm that emits a siren if activated. It will scare off the intruders and alert neighbors that all is not well.

Programmable Lighting – You know that it’s a good idea to leave a light on near a window if you’ll be away for an extended period of time. But doing so can be costly. Why not add a timer to a lamp or two instead? Or better yet, plug your lamp into a programmable Wi-Fi switch so you can control your home’s lighting right from your smartphone or tablet wherever you might be.

Fake Television – Similar to lighting, leaving the TV on is a good way to mimic your everyday routine even when you’re not home. But it adds to your utility costs. Now, you can mimic the flickering glow of a TV with a burglar deterrent light. Just point it at the drapes or blinds and from the outside it will look like you’re curled up on the coach watching your favorite shows.

Indoor Motion Sensor – Should a would-be intruder invade your home, scare him or her away by “waking up” the house. Indoor motion sensors can be set to turn on lights, the television, or sound an alarm if they detect any unusual movement while you’re asleep or away.

Security Decals – Not exactly hi-tech, but with a few other safety measures, security decals can help stop a burglar in his tracks. Just be sure that it looks like a real sign from a legitimate home security company.

In our own way, Your 1 Plumber is hard at work protecting homes like yours from water and other types of damage every working day. That’s why we’re happy to share this important information on keeping your home burglar-proof.

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