The Multiple Uses of Olive Oil

From adding flavor to meals, to enhancing beauty products, and even preventing heart disease, the benefits of olive oil are virtually limitless. But in addition to being nutritious and flavorful, this “liquid gold” also can solve many common household problems.

Here are 5 ways to put olive oil to good use in your home.

Polishing stainless steelRestore a Stainless-Steel Surface

Is your stainless steel sink, fridge, or microwave looking a little lackluster? Bring it back to its shining glory with a little olive oil. First, wash and rinse the area completely. Dry it thoroughly and apply a few drops of olive oil to a clean cloth. Buff the stainless steel, working in the direction of the grain.

Stop a Squeak

While not nearly as cringe-worthy as nails on a chalkboard, the sound of a squeaky door sure can be annoying. But you don’t need to run out for a silicone spray to fix it. Simply clean the creaking hinge, apply olive oil sparingly with a lint-free cloth, and voila! No more squeak.

Clean Up a Sticky Mess

Whether you have gum stuck to the sole of your shoe or sticker residue stuck to a glass or mirror, olive oil is the answer. To get rid of stuck-on chewing gum, dip a cloth in oil and wrap it around the affected area for 10 minutes. The oil will break down the adhesive bond, making it easier to scrape the gunk away. To remove sticker residue, apply a drop of olive oil directly to the surface, work it in until the bond breaks, and then simply wipe the mess away.

Clear Up Dull Plastic

If a cloudy film is compromising your car’s headlights or the plastic covering on your car’s instrument panel, you can use olive oil to make the plastic look like new. Just pour a few drops of oil on a lint-free cloth and rub it into the affected area. Then buff the surface for a few minutes until it’s crystal clear.

Protect Your Garden Tools

Protect your hand-held gardening tools by spritzing a little olive oil onto the metal portion before you begin digging. This will prevent dirt and debris from sticking to the surface, which means there will be less for you to clean up and less chance at risk of rusting over.

Here’s one thing, however, olive oil isn’t good for: pouring down your drain. In fact, that goes for all cooking oil, either in its cooked or pre-cooked state. Eventually cooking oils build up inside your pipes, attract other food substances to the accumulated mass and, before you know it, you have one gooey mess on your hands, and a clogged drain to deal with. If, by the way, that time is now, then contact Your 1 Plumber for any clogged drain or toilet problem you might be having. We’ll have it fixed – and the water flowing again – before you know it.

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