Back-to-School Preparation Tips

Though the days are still hot and the nights still warm and filled with the sound of crickets chirping away, back-to-school season is upon on. That means it’s time to dig out that school supply list, fill the carts with brand new crayons, pencils, and backpacks, and try to squeeze in a few more trips to the beach, lake, or wherever your favorite summer time hangout might be. It’s also time to start transitioning back into a routine of homework, early bedtimes, and – unfortunately – early mornings.

Here are 6 tips to help ensure that your entire family starts the new school year off on the right foot.

  1. Little girl with black hair showing interesting fragment in book to friendGradually move up your kids’ bedtime. One to two weeks before school resumes, have your children go to bed a little earlier. If you’re lucky enough to have kids who like to sleep in, gradually wake them up a little earlier as well until you and they are back on track.
  1. Get back to regular mealtimes. Summer is meant for late breakfasts, picnic lunches, and the occasional ice-cream-for-dinner treat. Make the transition a little easier by using the last week before school to get your family used to regular meal and snack times.
  1. Make dinnertime less stressful. When you cook, make a double batch and freeze half for another night. Plan your dinners a week in advance to save time, and money.
  1. Set up a designated homework area. Make sure it’s a calm, quiet space where your child can concentrate.
  1. Get organized. The paperwork will start flooding in fast. Have a folder, cubby, or drawer for each child, and set up a calendar to keep track of meetings, sporting events, and after school activities.
  1. Do a trial run. If this is your first time with a school-aged child, or you need to get used to an earlier start time, do a trial run to school or the bus stop a day or two before and make any necessary adjustments.

And while you’re preparing for the whole back-to-school routine, it’s also a good time to take stock of your home hot water supply, especially if you expect a lot more showering in the pre-school and work hours. If you’re not sure your water heater is up to the challenge, contact Your 1 Plumber and we can share with you a series of options to help increase your hot water supply to meet your present and future needs.

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