Spring Cleaning Tips in Jessup and Howard County

Cleaning homeThere are few things more satisfying than starting the spring season with a sparkling clean home. You know, when you can just sit back and relax knowing that not a dust bunny nor cobweb have been spared. But getting there? Well, that’s not nearly as enjoyable

While we can’t exactly get you excited about rolling up your sleeves and getting started, we can help make spring cleaning more manageable and even a little less stressful. Accordingly, here are five tips to help you get focused, stay on task, and breeze through your spring cleaning to-do list so you can start enjoying the season more fully

  1. Start with a realistic to-do list and time line – Jot down everything you’d like to tackle this spring and when. If you’re planning to have a tag sale, think about how much time you’ll need to prepare for it. If your weekends are tied up between now and July, look at your weekday schedule to see if you can dedicate an hour a day to cleaning and organizing here and there.
  1. Think about any repairs that need to be made – Walk through your home taking note of anything that needs fixing. Whether it’s a leaky faucet or a loose floor tile, schedule a date and time that you will either take care of it yourself or call in a professional.
  1. Get your supplies in order – Will you need to rent a dumpster to clear out your basement or buy a couple of squeegees to make your windows sparkle? How about moving boxes so you can sort through items and decide what ou’re keeping and what you’re donating or throwing away? Having all your supplies ready will make it easier to move through each task.
  1. Break it down – Thinking about everything in your home that needs your attention can be quite overwhelming. But if you focus on one project or even one room at a time, the task seems a little more feasible. And, you’ll feel more accomplished and motivated to keep going.
  1. Forgive yourself – Don’t get discouraged if not everything is checked off your list by a certain time. Windows can be washed in July and rugs can be steam cleaned in August. In order words, no one is going to report you to the spring cleaning police if you’re not done by the first day of summer. Least of all us.

In fact, think of Your 1 Plumber as your spring cleaning partner, at least when it comes to making any needed plumbing repairs, upgrading the look of your kitchen or bath with sparkling new faucets, or conducting our very thorough whole-house plumbing inspection to help prevent problems from happening in the first place. We’ll be ready whenever you’re ready to call us.

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