How to Stay Healthy in Laurel and Jessup

HouseholdStaying healthy during the cold and flu season is no easy task. No matter how often we wash our hands or how much we try to stay away from anyone who might have even the slightest sniffle, there are simply people and places we just can’t avoid. So we scrub our hands raw, slather on the hand sanitizer, and brave the germ-infested world.

But did you know some of the germiest surfaces are right in your very own home? In fact, there are surfaces in every home that harbor more dirt and bacteria than a public door handle; places that are often overlooked by even the most relentless clean freaks. So grab your disinfecting spray and give these areas a good scrub down to help keep viruses and bacteria at bay.

Refrigerator. Once a month, remove everything from your refrigerator and freezer and give it a thorough cleaning.

Appliance handles. Wipe the door handles of your refrigerator, microwave, oven, and dishwasher with a disinfecting spray once a week.

Door knobs, handles, and light switches. Wipe them down once a week with a disinfecting wipe. Never spray anything directly on a light switch.

Sponges. Run kitchen sponges through a regular dishwasher load.

Remote controls. Simply wipe down all your remote controls with a disinfecting wipe once a week. Don’t forget video console remotes, gas fireplace remotes, and ceiling fan remotes.

Coffee maker or brewer. Follow manufacturer instructions for keeping your coffee maker or single cup brewer clean and mold-free.

Purse or hand bag. Avoid dropping your bag on public floors. And wipe or spray it with a fabric-safe sanitizing spray once a day, or anytime you use it.

Land line phone. Not many people still have these, but if you do, wipe it down and use a cotton swab to get into the buttons and crevices at least once a week.

Computer keyboard. Spray it with compressed air to remove dirt and dust, and wipe down the keys with a water/alcohol solution. Never spray a cleaning liquid directly on your computer.

Steering wheel. Not exactly inside your home, but it should be cleaned regularly, as well. If it’s leather, use a leather-safe spray. If made of plastic, cover it thoroughly with a disinfecting wipe.

On the other hand, what happens when, no matter often you run your dishwasher, your glasses come out with a filmy white haze? Well, that’s just one indication of hard water conditions, and it might be telling you it’s time to look into a water softener for you home. Contact Your 1 Plumber today to learn more.

What happens, however, when your dishes and glasses keep coming out of the dishwasher with a white filmy haze? Well, that’s just one of several indicators of possible hard water conditions.   If you’re concerned about the quality of your home water supply – well or city – contact Your 1 Plumber today to learn more about your options.

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