How to Control Mosquitoes in Germantown & Laurel, MD

blogIf you mosquitoes inside and outside your home, you spend at least part of your day in varying degrees of misery.

And while misery may love company, this time it would greatly prefer a way to get rid of the mosquitoes.  Especially since there’s more than itchy skin at stake, as mosquitoes are also carriers and transmitters of encephalitis, malaria, and yellow fever to humans, plus and heartworms to pets.

Like any problem, the key to success is to attack it at the source, and in this case, the source of mosquito breeding is standing water.  Do you have any on your property?  If so, and if it stands for any longer than a few hours at a time, that’s all the time mosquitoes need to breed in record numbers.

Standing water could be the result in improper grading or even a sewer line leak.  If you’re not sure what’s causing the problem, it’s a good idea to have a professional plumber come out and take a look.

Other common mosquito breeding grounds include:

  • Clogged gutters and sown spouts
  • Storm drains
  • Around your AC condensing unit
  • Under window air conditioners
  • Outdoor pools and the area around them
  • The area around your septic system
  • Leaky outdoor faucets
  • And so on.

And now for a few tips on how to reduce and control the mosquito population where you live:

  • Repair or replace any leaking pipes
  • Repair or replace underground sewer or drain lines
  • Cover your pool when not in use
  • Stock your permanent ornamental pool with fish that ear mosquito larvae
  • Fill holes in your trees with sand or mortar
  • Scrub your bird bath and replace the water once a week
  • If you keep pet water dishes outdoors, clean and replace them daily
  • Empty your kiddie pool once a week and thoroughly clean it before refilling it
  • Get rid of any junk in your yard – like old buckets or flower pots – that collect and hold water

At Your 1 Plumber, we’re exterminators in our own right, as we offer numerous means to help control your backyard mosquito population.  For help with drain repair, leaky faucets, or any plumbing need at all, contact us today or any time at all.


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