Save Money on Plumbing in Germantown with these 8 Surefire Tips

If you’re on the lookout for money-saving tips, then you’ve come to the right place. Thousands of people in Germantown and neighboring communities spend considerable sums of money each year on plumbing repairs that easily could have been prevented or, at the very least, greatly minimized.

By following these simple steps – and, to borrow from old-time Western movies – you can head trouble off at the pass and conserve some water to boot:md

  1. Make sure the toilet flushes efficiently. If it takes extra time and effort to flush it properly – like jiggling or holding down the handle – some small part might need to be replaced.  Do it now before the problem gets worse and, at the same time, you’ll conserve lots of water.
  2. Keep a sharp lookout for shower head leaks.  Is it okay for your shower to be leaking while the water’s on?  Nope:  because if it’s leaking on the outside, the same thing could be happening behind the wall, and that spells trouble.  Tend to leaks anywhere in your home as soon as you spot them.
  3. Drain and flush your water heater. It’s important that you follow the specific instructions for your heater model to do this safely. Cleaning the tank in this way will increase heating efficiency and help your heater to last longer.
  4. Reduce the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees. This not only will reduce the likelihood of burns, it will also save you money on energy costs.
  5. Look for exposed pipes and insulate them to help prevent burst pipes once colder temperatures arrive.
  6. Check the integrity of the hose on your washing machine. If the tubing is deteriorating or appears weak, consider replacing it with stainless steel braided hose for extra reliability.
  7. Place a strainer or trap in all drains to prevent hair and other debris from going down your pipes and mucking things up.
  8. Clear debris out of yard drains, gutters, and downspouts to prevent water from backing up and causing damage to your home.

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