Bathroom Updates that Attract Home Buyers in Germantown & Montgomery County

If you are planning to sell your Germantown home any time soon, the chance are pretty good that one or more of your bathrooms could use a little sprucing or fixing up.bathroom

That’s because the condition and look of bathrooms and kitchens are at or near the top of the list when it comes down to a buyer seriously considering your home as the one that best meets their need and their taste.

If the thought of a major renovation seems overwhelming to you or out of your budget range, you still have simple and low-cost options that will both enhance the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom and, accordingly, the value of your home.

Keep in mind that all of the following suggestions assume that there’s room for improvement.  If not, you’re golden!

  • Replace your sink.  If you have a pedestal style sink or one secured to the wall, a simple vanity style sink will make a big difference in the look and feel of your bathroom.  There are plenty of affordable options to choose from.
  • Get rid of those sliding glass doors.  For the most part, sliding glass shower doors are a pain to clean and, for some people, represent an obstacle getting in and out of the tub.  Make it easy on future buyers by having them removed and replacing it with a good old-fashioned shower curtain.  For added people, go two layers deep:  a plastic curtain that rests in the side the tub, and a more decorative curtain that sits on the outside.
  • How about a new floor?  Is your bathroom so old that it still has those little tiny tiles on the floor?  Not terribly appealing to others.  There’s nothing like the clean, inviting look of large ceramic tiles laid in either a square or diamond pattern.  There are plenty of good buys out there, too, when you include overstock and clearance materials in your search.
  • Fix damage from water leaks.  You may have a spot of mold or two on your bathroom ceiling that you’ve gotten used to, but when a potential buyer comes to take a look, those spots will attract their eyes like magnets.  So first things first:  if there’s a still an unattended leak, it needs to be located and repaired.  And once that’s completed, paint the whole bathroom – walls, ceiling, and moldings – but don’t get too exotic with the color scheme, especially if you really are planning to sell.
  • Add towel racks and bars.  Again, you may have grown accustomed to using a hook on the back of your bathroom door as a place to hang towels, but modern day home buyers expect more.  At the minimum, install a hand towel rack near the sink and a double towel rack near the tub.  The ability to hang two towels at once is a plus.

If your bathroom is in really rough shape, the plumbing professionals at Your 1 Plumber are ready to lend a helping hand.  New sinks, tubs, shower stalls, toilets, and more are specialties of ours.  And we can work within almost any budget.  So do your home and bathroom a favor and contact us today for more ideas along with the repair installation services you need.

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