Tools Every Home Owner Should Have
By Wilmer Romero on Jul 25, 2016 in Home & Lifestyle
If you own a home, there will undoubtedly come a time when you will have to hang, loosen, nail, measure, or drill something. And while your shoe might be able to double as a hammer in a pinch, you’re far better off investing in a toolkit that can tackle some of the most common household repairs.
So if your rusty tool stash needs a revamp or you’re just starting out, here are 10 tools that every homeowner should not only possess, but keep handy and in good repair.
A good, sturdy ladder is a homeowner’s staple. It’s much safer than using a chair to change a ceiling fixture light bulb, edge paint a wall, or string outdoor lights during the holidays.
- Skip the chemicals and unclog drains with a good quality plunger. A flange style plunger can tackle tough toilet clogs while a cup style plunger can help clear sink, shower, and tub clogs.
- Inexpensive and very versatile, a 4-in-1 screwdriver is a must. No more looking for the right size Philips-head in your junk drawer.
- Technically not a tool, a 5-gallon bucket can help you with some major messes. Use it to spread mulch, fill it with sand to de-ice steps and walkways, turn it upside down for a temporary step stool, and so much more. Come to think of it, you might just want to invest in two or three.
- Whether you’re hanging a heavy flat screen TV or a new towel bar, a stud finder can sometimes be your best friend. It’s a sure-fire way to locate – or avoid – studs in walls.
- If you’re determined to own just one basic hammer, choose a light-weight model with a curved claw for removing nails.
- Sooner or later, you’ll need to cut something. Having a saw on hand will make that task so much easier. A hybrid saw is a good option, as it slices on both the push and pull stroke.
- Not all pliers are created equal, so invest in a set that will cover most of your needs. Just avoid using pliers to loosen or tighten bolts as you might strip them. That’s where an adjustable wrench comes in.
- No tool kit is complete without an adjustable wrench. Invest in both a crescent wrench for smaller bolts and pipes, and a larger monkey wrench for those larger pipes and fittings.
- And finally, talk about a home owner’s best friend: how about a 25’ tape measure?! It’s a must have for measuring anything and everything.
But what about those jobs that are beyond the scope of your skill set AND your set of tools? Well, if the job involves plumbing, you’ll want to keep our phone number just as handy. Here at Your 1 Plumber, we’re the only plumber you’ll ever need.
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