Why Filtered Water is Better for You.
By Wilmer Romero on May 25, 2016 in Water Filtration
When are you most inclined to call a plumber? That’s easy: when something goes wrong with your plumbing, you don’t have enough hot water, or a drain is so badly clogged there’s nothing you can do to fix it on your own.
More and more, however, home owners throughout our service territory are calling us to see what we can do to provide them with pure, clean drinking water. Not simply for the sake of it, mind you, but for all the associated benefits filtered water delivers, such as:
Water filters remove lead from drinking water to keep this harmful substance out of your body.
- Water filters greatly reduce the risk of rectal, colon, and bladder cancer by removing chlorine and chlorine byproducts from drinking water.
- Water filters reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disease by more than 33 percent by removing cryptosporidium and giardia from drinking water.
- A water filter provides clean, healthy water for cooking, too, straight from your kitchen faucet. ter.
- Water filters offer the last line of defense between the body and the over 2100 known toxins that may be present in drinking water.
- A solid block carbon water filter can selectively remove dangerous contaminants from drinking water while retaining healthy mineral deposits that balance the pH of drinking water.
- Water filters are especially important for children as their immune systems continue to develop.
And then there’s the ecological benefit of having a water filter installed in your home, one that will no doubt greatly reduce your use of bottled water. Did you know, for example, that some brands of bottled water are no better than tap water but cost up to 10,000 times more? And that 6 out of 7 empty plastic water bottles never get recycled?
To learn more about all the good a whole-house or under-sink water filtration system can do for you and your family, contact Your 1 Plumber today.
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