6 Spots You Might Forget to Clean
By Wilmer Romero on Apr 4, 2016 in Home & Lifestyle
Ever notice how easy it is to walk into someone’s home and notice the fingerprints on the walls, smudges on the appliances, and cobwebs in the corner? And while we would never criticize a friend or family member’s cleaning skills – or lack thereof – we might think a few “judge-y” thoughts about them.
Still, have you ever stopped to see your home through that same critical eye? Because let’s face it, no matter how spotless you think your home is, chances are you probably have some dirty spots that you’ve just become immune to (but your guests haven’t?):
Appliance Handles. You touch them countless times a day during meal prep, clean-up, and those middle of the night cravings. Give appliance handles a little attention and wipe them down with a cleaning wipe or a little soap and warm.
- Ice Maker and Tray. It’s a good idea to clean and sanitize the inside of your ice maker and tray every once in a while. If you have an automatic ice maker, stop it from making more ice, remove the bin, dump out any remaining ice and wash the bin with warm soapy water or per the manufacturer’s instructions. Wipe dry and put it back in place.
- Drawer Organizers. Drawer organizers are great for keeping utensils, cooking tools, and spices in their place. Unfortunately, they also attract dirt, dust, and crumbs. Use a hand vac to suck up what you can and use a damp rag to remove the rest.
- Body of the Toilet. Chances are your toilet bowl, seat, and tank probably get cleaned regularly. But what about the rest of it? Spray the bottom of the toilet down with a good cleaner and wipe down. Don’t forget the wall behind the toilet and the floor surrounding it, as well.
- Light Fixtures and Ceiling Fans. It’s easy to miss anything that’s above eye level. But every once in a while, look up and see if your ceiling fan blades and light fixtures could use a good cleaning.
- Dust Collectors. Books and collectibles, picture frames, ledges, and shelves are magnets for dust. To get of the dust, use a slightly damp microfiber cloth sprayed with vinegar. Since vinegar isn’t electrostatically charged, it slows the process of dust returning.
You know what else home owners frequently miss? Telltale signs of a water leak, especially those hidden in a ceiling, behind a wall, or under a slab of concrete. What telltale signs are we talking about? Things like a musty smell you can’t account for, a damp area on a carpet or any other floor covering over your concrete, a damp area on your lawn not caused by rain, brown spots on a wall or ceiling, and more. If you even suspect a water leak, contact Your 1 Plumber right away so we can locate it and take whatever action necessary to stop and repair the leak for any other damage – or perhaps any damage at all – can occur.
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