Need An Emergency Plumber? Do These First

Every homeowner faces a plumbing emergency once in a while. Imagine waking up in the middle of night to find water pooling on the bathroom floor…

Such incidences incite panic and you’re left trying to find ways to solve the problems. Oftentimes, the cause of a particular plumbing issue isn’t obvious, which makes it even more troublesome.

Keep your cool and call our toll free number. From new faucet installation to water heater replacement in MD, we offer all plumbing services. While we’re on our way, follow these tips to control the situation:

1.     Shut off water

In case of an emergency, shut off the closest water source as soon as you can. If you’re dealing with a toilet, turn the valve present behind or at the base of the commode.

If the house has a larger plumbing emergency or flooding, you should turn off the main valve. Most of these can be shut off by turning them in a clockwise manner.

2.     Turn off the water heater

It’s a good idea to shut off your water heater when facing a major plumbing issue. This can help prevent possible damage to the unit.

If you’ve turned off the main valve, shut off the heater to avoid heat from building up inside. Otherwise, there is a risk of overheating and bursting. In gas heaters, turn off the gas first before switching off the unit.

3.     Fix small leaks

Small leaks which are easy to identify can be stopped by using a plumber’s tape. Keep one handy for such situations. You can also stuff towels or rags around pipes, or use buckets for dripping leaks to prevent further damage.

Make a note of all these places and inform the plumber when they arrive, so these leaks can be fixed.

4.     Open drains and spigots

Even after your house’s main valve is shut off, there will be some water remaining in the pipes. You can move it away from your home by turning on any spigots present outside your home. Also, give the garden hose a squirt or two to make sure water clears out.

If a small clog or backup occurs during the process, open the drain using a gentle method, such as through a plunger. Using a chemical cleaner is not advised, as it can create more trouble for you before the plumber arrives.

Our trained plumbers Columbia MDare expert in dealing with such emergency plumbing situations. We will find the problem and fix it in no time. Call us at our toll free number 301 540 7586 or book an appointment online.

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