How to Get Rid of Mold Inside Your Toilet Bowl.

“Honey, I’d love to go out to dinner Saturday night, but I was really counting on staying home and cleaning the bathroom.  Do you mind terribly?”4533453

Now there’s a conversation that’s probably NEVER taken place in your household, and probably never will.  Why?  Because we clean our bathrooms when we have to, and not for the sheer joy of it.

But what happens when something unexpected comes along – a bathroom cleaning issue you’ve never encountered before?  Kind of upsetting right, especially when you’re not quite sure how to handle it?

Well here’s one our customers tell us about from time to time; often enough, in fact, that we decided to devote a blog to the subject:  how to get rid of mold from inside your toilet, and keep it fr
om re-appearing.

So let’s get started, shall we?

  1. The materials you’ll need: an empty spray bottle, a bottle of distilled white vinegar, and a toilet scrub brush.
  1. Pour about a cup of vinegar into the spray bottle and thoroughly spray the inside of the bowl.
  1. Spray a little extra on the black mold spots.
  1. Next, thoroughly scrub the entire inside of your toilet bowl, including above and below the water line.
  1. Allow the vinegar to sit for one hour.
  1. Next, rinse your toilet bowl by flushing it and spraying the surface areas with water, especially above the bowl’s water line.
  1. Then pour 4 additional cups of vinegar inside the bowl and let it sit for another hour.
  1. Repeat the rinsing process in step 6 above.

We hope you never get mold inside your toilet, but if you do, you’ll be very pleased with the results this cleaning process will deliver.  And yet, for all those plumbing issues that you don’t have the time or skill to fix yourself, you can count on Your 1 Plumber.  We are home plumbing specialists, and we’re always glad to lend a helping hand.

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